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Friday, September 24, 2004


xj's Last Post?

I flew back to Rio on Wednesday (or quarta-feira as they say in portugues: it means "fourth day of the week". Wednesday is the _third_ day of the week, of course, but hey, who's counting)? After a week of lousy weather, the sun is now blazing down and I have the burns to prove it. I didn't put enough barrier cream around my lips with the result that I now have a kind of sunburn goatee. Muito elegante. Although sunburns have their uses: dark-skinned girls find them fascinating and exotic.

Last night I went up to Lapa (a bar/ streetparty area near the financial district with a great vibe) and I had a most interesting evening. I'll blog about it later... if I'm spared.

Yes folks, in two hours xj is going to throw himself off a cliff. I'm going hang gliding.

Now, I have never in my life been hang gliding (regular gliding, yes, I did it for a while at university. But gliding involves four hours of standing around for every ten minutes in the air, plus it was pretty expensive for a penniless student. I dropped out after a few weeks). They say that Rio is the place to do it, and certainly this city is beautiful enough from the ground; I can't imagine what it will look like from the air. I was sitting around the other day trying to picture myself dong this and the thought of it absolutely scared the shit out of me. So I knew I had to do it.

I'm sure it's quite safe. These are tandem flights - you ride in a pouch behind the pilot, who's been doing this for decades and never crashed yet. (Yet). I confidently expect to be blogging this evening.

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